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The battle-tested Knicks had no choice but to vie for the second seed.

  Whether you've been present at the arena or tracking the action from afar, the Knicks' approach to their regular-season finale against Chicago on Sunday afternoon was crystal clear. There was no hint of strategic maneuvering for specific matchups in the Eastern Conference playoff landscape. This team, guided by their coach and propelled by their MVP candidate, viewed the Bulls' red jerseys as merely another obstacle to overcome in their quest for victory. While it may sound cliché, it's undeniably true that this sentiment encapsulates the essence of New York's 50-win season, culminating in an overtime triumph over the Bulls and clinching the No. 2 seed in the upcoming playoffs. Despite enduring numerous absences due to injuries from key starters throughout the season, the Knicks have epitomized a "next-man-up" mentality. Reflecting on their journey, Donte DiVincenzo, the Knicks' offseason acquisition who has flourished with a career-best performance

Outcomes of AEW Dynamite on January 31, 2024


Tonight's program features a duo of Dealer’s Choice matches as the main attractions.

  • Chris Jericho vs. Kyle Fletcher
  • Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Hardy
  • Deonna Purrazzo vs. Taya Valkyrie
  • Hangman Page vs. Toa Leona
  • Rob Van Dam vs. Swerve Strickland

AEW Dynamite 1/31/24

Broadcasting from the UNO Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana! Providing commentary for tonight's event are Taz, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur.

Match #1. Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Hardy

Moxley quickly heads to the outside, prompting Hardy to deliver a clothesline off the apron. Moxley responds with his own suicide dive and an outside clothesline. Back inside the ring, Moxley executes an X-Plex, earning a two-count. He follows up with roundhouse kicks and knee strikes to Hardy's face. Attempting a piledriver, Moxley gets back body dropped by Hardy. Moxley Irish whips Hardy into the corner, causing an awkward landing. Moxley then posts Hardy, who reverses and sends Moxley into the first row, near the CMLL guys. After a brief exchange of words, Hardy seizes the opportunity, but Moxley regains control, attempting to rip Hardy's ear off using Excalibur's pen. Hardy counters, dropkicking Moxley from the apron. Moxley retaliates with knees to the stomach, but Hardy counters with a reverse atomic drop and double leg drop. Hammer and anvil elbows by Moxley, followed by a massive piledriver for a two-count. Both wrestlers end up on the apron, and Hardy lands a Twist of Fate. A Whisper in the Wind by Hardy results in a two-count. Heading to the top rope, Hardy is met with a superplex from Moxley, leaving both competitors down. The action intensifies with Moxley delivering a Cutter out of nowhere. Hardy responds with a Russian Leg Sweep, and a stack pin earns a two-count. Hardy attempts a Twist of Fate Stunner twice, followed by a Swanton, but Moxley evades. Moxley locks in a rear naked choke, causing Hardy to go to sleep.

Winner: Jon Moxley

Rating: ***. Moxley secures a solid victory here, marking perhaps Jeff's best singles match in recent memory.

Post-match, Moxley extends his hand, but Jeff responds with a defiant flip-off. Moxley seems surprised, but it doesn't appear to bother him.

Moxley retaliates by flipping off the CMLL guys, leading to them storming the ring and attacking Moxley. Christopher Daniels and Matt Menard intervene to make the save.

Match #2: Hangman Page vs. Toa Leona

Page initiates with right hands and a sliding lariat, but Leona counters with a clothesline. Page cradles Leona for a two-count. Page utilizes a low bridge, sending Leona to the floor, only for Leona to return with two double jump lariats. Leona tosses Page over the top rope, delivering a running crossbody off the apron. Toa dominates throughout the break with impactful headbutts in the corner. Toa executes a diving headbutt on Page, who's stuck in the Tree of Woe. A running senton by Toa on the apron, but Page moves. Page responds with a moonsault off the top to the outside. Back in the ring, Page performs a diving crossbody and a rolling elbow. Page attempts the Deadeye, but he struggles with the weight. Toa seizes the opportunity to superkick Page in the face. Toa attempts a ripcord, but Page blocks it and delivers clotheslines. Page ducks a flying crossbody, landing a big lariat. Page finishes with the Deadeye, but Toa pops right up. Toa delivers a massive headbutt, followed by Raw Mana (ripcord discus lariat), but Page kicks out at two. Toa attempts a senton on the apron, but Page moves. Page retaliates with a moonsault, then goes for the Buckshot, but Toa ducks. Toa drives Page to the mat with a pop-up Samoan Drop, but Page hangs on and cradles him for the win!

Winner: Hangman Page
Rating: ***¼. Toa showcases potential as a singles competitor, and Page, using his wrestling skills, secures the win by outsmarting the bigger opponent.

Matthew and Nicholas Jackson appear, finding a person who mistakenly called them Matt and Nick.

Match #3: Wardlow w/ The Undisputed Kingdom vs. Komander

Wardlow dominates with a biel, but Komander responds with dropkicks to the knees and chest. A third dropkick to the chest. Wardlow tosses Komander, spinning him for about four revolutions before crashing. Wardlow attempts a powerbomb on the floor, but Komander counters with a head scissors into the steel steps. Komander follows with a rope walk dropkick and a Phoenix Splash. Two-count. Komander, high on Wardlow's throat, lands another high-risk move. Wardlow catches a dive and executes the Tour of the Islands. Wardlow drapes Komander on the top rope, kneeing him in the face on the way down. Wardlow finishes with a powerbomb.

Winner: Wardlow
Rating: *¾. Essentially a squash match with minimal action.

Post-match, The Undisputed Kingdom attacks Komander, prompting Best Friends to intervene. The Undisputed Kingdom retreats.

**Tony Schiavone Interview with Big Bill, Ricky Starks, Sting, and Darby Allin**
Starks recalls defeating Sting in 2021, stating Darby attached himself to Sting for relevance. Bill mentions hearing Sting and Darby talk about Revolution as tag champs without acknowledging Bill and Starks. Bill and Starks plan to vent their frustrations on Sting and Darby next week. Sting admires Starks' 2021 confrontation. Sting expresses uncertainty about Bill, while Darby asserts that talking time is over. Starks throws water at Darby, and Sting hints at hitting Darby next week in Phoenix.

**Match #4: Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Chris Jericho**
Fletcher surprises with a Michinoku Driver for a long two-count. Jericho drops Fletcher with a double jump dropkick after Callis distracts him. Fletcher capitalizes on the distraction, leading to a snap mare and a punt to Jericho's spine. Fletcher targets Jericho's arm with multiple arm ringers. Tossed by Jericho to the apron, Fletcher takes advantage of Callis's distraction. Throughout the break, Fletcher controls the match, performing a Tiger Suplex, a running leg lariat, and a sheer drop brainbuster. Two-count. Jericho fights back with shoulder blocks, an axe handle off the top, and a facebuster. Fletcher gets a two-count. Fletcher heads up top, but Jericho catches him. After a hurricane by Jericho, Hobbs distracts the referee, allowing Callis to trip Jericho. Fletcher executes a superkick out of nowhere for two

-count. Jericho counters with a Codebreaker, but Fletcher kicks out at two. Jericho attempts a flying Judas Effect, but Fletcher catches him with a running leg lariat. Turnbuckle brainbuster by Fletcher, getting a two-count. Running kick to the back by Fletcher, followed by a brutal superkick. Jericho dodges a Judas Effect, and Fletcher delivers a question mark kick. Jericho misses a Judas Effect, and Fletcher counters with a brutal question mark kick. Jericho rolls outside, and Fletcher attempts a suicide dive. Jericho catches him mid-air with a Judas Effect. Inside the ring, Jericho concludes with a flying Judas Effect for the victory!

Winner: Chris Jericho
Rating: ***½. Fletcher shines in this match, and Jericho pulls out all the stops for the win.

**Bang Bang Scissor Gang Segment**
Caster directs Bowens to get CardBlade, but he was fired weeks ago. Austin delivers some fun banter. The segment concludes with Daddy Ass grabbing the mic, emphasizing "Guns Up."

Match #4: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Taya Valkyrie w/ Johnny Dynamite

Taya starts with a chop and an arm drag by Deonna. Deonna focuses on Taya's arm, sending her to the floor with a series of arm ringers. Taya kisses Johnny while Deonna follows her outside. Taya spears Deonna on the ramp and throws her into the steel steps. Taya engages in hard chops and boots in the corner. A running double knee in the corner by Taya results in a two-count. Taya sets up Deonna draped on the middle rope and delivers a sliding German suplex. Deonna counters on the outside with a Russian Leg Sweep into the ring. Both women exchange right hands, with Deonna hitting a running knee and a pump kick.
